Maybe I'm just over-tired and wrecked from this completely insane semester, or I'm fizzling out, or perhaps it's something about being an over-emotional woman, or perhaps even something about being a sappy parent changed me but I just can't engage in rational or unemotional discussion about privilege or status or anything remotely social justice when it comes to kids lately. I just (as the white girls say) can't even. This most recently reared it's head surrounding the Spring Valley incident, but it has come up before in the unaccompanied minor immigration crisis, in Tamir Rice, in Jordan Miles, and truly when any child who is caught in the violence of adults (and their language). I am seeing a line as thick as the one in the dirt marking a game of tug-of-war. And I know, rationally, there is nuance. Culture, climate, bias...all of these things are at play. I know because I've studied it. I know because the thing that I am called to is the educated dis...