
Showing posts from 2016

I'm not pregnant now, but three years ago on this day I was.

This bout of insomnia, nearly three days in now, is triggered by a particular cause. Three years ago I was bursting into my second trimester of pregnancy. I'd spent the majority of September and October sick. Really sick. All the time. I'd just had a bad scare -- bleeding so horrible I thought I was miscarrying -- and was still on modified bed rest. On this day I would make the decision to drop most of my graduate school classes because I could barely get out of bed. My gall bladder symptoms would start just two weeks later and I'd be spending nearly every time I ate in pain so bad that the first time it happened I thought I was having a heart attack. The stress and hormones would soon elevate my blood pressure to a point that I'd have to start medication. All told I'd lose 45 pounds by the time my child was born. I love my child every second of every day and I would choose to do it all over again. I'd suffer through worse, even. I'd pony up double, tri...